Deadbeat Parents Beware – Child Support Enforcement Agency Collects

Deadbeat Parents Beware – Child Support Enforcement Agency Collects

New case study released by Support Collectors, a private child support enforcement agency, highlights an all-too-common story of a single mother fighting for financial assistance from an absentee father.

Minneapolis, Minn. – July 10, 2007 – In an effort to showcase the plight of single parents fighting for child support from deadbeat parents, Support Collectors has released a new case study: Mother of Two Collects over $65,000 in Unpaid Child Support. The study highlights the story of Rebecca, a single mother with two college-age children who want to attend school but can’t due to the family’s financial restraints.

Rebecca contacts Support Collectors, a private child support enforcement agency, after her self-employed ex-husband’s wages cannot be garnished by the government. Running out of options, Rebecca begins to research other ways to get the child support payments she is entitled to. From contacting her divorce attorney to dealing with child support collection agencies that charge application or processing fees, she discovers that many companies promising to help her case cannot guarantee a dime.

Rebecca soon settles on Support Collectors, ideal for parents frustrated with the overburdened government’s system for handling child support. This child support enforcement agency features no upfront fees and offers a team of lawyers and private investigators to collect support payments. According to Support Collectors, millions of custodial parents nationwide are left to carry the financial burden for deadbeat parents.

Shortly after submitting her application, Rebecca is contacted by Support Collectors to let her know it had located her ex-husband, started the process of garnishing his wages and placed liens on properties he owned. The triumphant end to Rebecca’s story gives hope to all parents nationwide who seek an alternative solution to standard child support enforcement.

About Support Collectors

Founded in 1993 by a single mother who experienced firsthand the frustration of trying to collect child support using her local CSE office, Support Collectors is a private child support enforcement agency offering its services to parents across the United States. The company’s services are fee-based, with an entire team dedicated to a case, including lawyers and licensed private investigators.