Question on if you can collect from a deadbeat parent that doesn’t work or own anything…

Question on if you can collect from a deadbeat parent that doesn’t work or own anything…

QUESTION from a custodial parent:

Hi, I live in Texas and have been told by my lawyer that because the NCP doesn’t work or own any property, there’s nothing that can be done to get the arrearage and current child support that he owes for our child. Are there ANY options for collecting payments in cases like that? He’s married and his wife has a fairly lucrative job as a nurse and fully supports him, so he sees no reason to work and pay for his child – especially since he visitation with her.




Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for the email and question. I do understand the difficulty the state is having in collecting on your case. Since the NCP is not working, enforcement is difficult. Where a private agency would differ from what the state can do has to do with the time and approach we take to try and collect. There is no guarantee that we will collect, but this approach has worked in a high percentage of cases similar to yours. Our investigators would try to establish some sort of payment plan with the NCP. His would be a child support repayment plan on, more than likely voluntary pay arrangement terms. Since we cannot garish the working spouse, this I what we have to work with. The state has the legal obligation to prosecute the case for non-payment of support. That is something you would need to push with the state.

I know it sounds like a long shot but we are successful with this approach. Please let me know if you would like to discuss the case and we can go over detail at that time. Feel free to get started at