Child support question… can I collect child support from someone working off the books
here’s the question of the day…
Good morning, I am interested in hiring your company to help me collect my past due child support. I live in Florida and the issue that I’m having is that the NCP (non custodial parent) has been working off the books for the last 2 years, so of course he doesn’t file taxes. I have all the company info and he even drives a company van. I’ve given all this information to child support, but I believe their workload is too much for them to even look into my case. Would this be something your company can help me with?
Thank you, Maria in Florida
OUR ANSWER: hi Maria and thanks for your email… You’re right the government child support offices are overburdened with cases and don’t have have time to spend on the more difficult cases. The good news is that it sounds like the “NCP” (non custodial parent) may in fact be working at a job that may be paying him an attachable wage. Our team of investigators would dig in and confirm exactly how these funds are being paid and then apply pressure to the employer by educating them on the law. The law requires someone is ordered to pay child support to have it deducted from their pay. Otherwise, in some situations the employer would be responsible for these amounts that are not being deducted for child support. We would strongly suggest applying for our services. We collect child support in situations just like yours so it’s worth a try. Our services cost you nothing unless we are successful.