“Can I child collect child support even if my mom is deceased?”

“Can I child collect child support even if my mom is deceased?”

Question from a child owed child support…

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Susan… I have my mother’s court records stating that my father was to pay child support for my sister and myself. My mother worked really hard all of her life to try to support us. My father was in the Navy and was Honorable Discharged and then he went into the Air Force and was stationed at a German Air Force Base when I was born. He was court ordered to pay child support in 1974 and my mother said that he only paid a few months. Now my mom has passed on but my father is still alive and receiving a pension from the military. My question is if there any possible way of finding out if there is any back child support that my father was to pay. I am now 43 and I am not sure what needs to be done about this situation. I never knew my father. All I have are pictures of him. I have some of his military records. I do feel he should still have to pay this back support. Please tell me what can be done about this if anything at all.

Thank you




Hi Susan,

Thank you for the email and questions on your Mom’s child support. It may be possible to try and collect but there is alot of info missing to make that determination. Each state as a statute of limitation for child support and since there is no info on where the order is from, I cannot determine if we have a statue of limitation issue for the case. The other thing that would need to be determined is if Mom owes anything to the state if she received any help financially from the state for child support.

In order to move forward, we would need to know some additional information about the case:

• We need copies of the original order and any modifications
• A copy of the pay history so we can tie to what Mom feels is owed
• Information on your dad such as BOD, SS# and what he is possibly doing for income currently and where he resides.

If you can fill in some of the blanks, I can give you an idea of what we may be able to do. It certainly does appear that Mom is owed arrears and we would like the chance to try and help collect!

Remember, it costs nothing to get started… just go to: https://signup.supportcollectors.com