Ask the experts… can I collect child support without any order?
Hi… great website on child support inforamtion. On your site, it states that paternity must be determined before age 19. My mother never wanted child support due to my biological father not having anything to do with me. I am 30 years old and have never recieved a dime from bioligical father. I know it states that its a 15 year limitation so im getting close to that. I feel like he at least owes me something. Is this still possible with not having a paternity test before age 19?
Thank you for your time.
Hi Jessica
You, like most children in your situation want to have what they feel are due to them. Unfortunately child support does not work that way. The support is due to the custodial parent; in this case it would have been your Mom. It was her responsibility to establish the order under the guidelines set by the state. Since she didn’t do this, there is no way to collect at this time that I am aware of. The non-custodial parent, your Dad, was not ordered to pay support, therefore is does not owe child support. If the state guideline states that paternity needs to be established by age 19, I’m afraid you may be out of luck. We always suggest that you consult with a family law attorney for additional info and to confirm this since state laws vary.