Ask the experts – Can you assist in collecting from the parent/father if he is getting paid under the table?

Ask the experts – Can you assist in collecting from the parent/father if he is getting paid under the table?


Hello… I’m wondering if you can assist in collecting from the parent/father if he is getting paid under the table?

I really need the money and the deadbeat father is doing well but getting paid under the table by his boss.




Hi Andrea

Thank you for the email! Parents that work under the table do pose a different situation to collect child support from. While we cannot send a withholding order to the employer, we can try to work with the NCP (non custodial parent) to establish a payment plan and try to get the support coming in.

It is worth the time to submit the paperwork; we have been able to collect in many situations such as your; our success will all depend on what we can find to work with and the response from the NCP. Please give us a call if you would like to discuss the situation a little more!

Look forward to collecting your child support!

Toni Olson, Director of Client Services